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TRARC Activities for February 2025

As we progress forward out of COLD January and into the final month of Winter (that is February in my book), the Club has the following activities planned for February.

Saturday, February 8th is the Club’s Hams and Eggs Breakfast. It will be held at the Butlers Golf Course Rock Run Inn, 800 Rock Run Road, Elizabeth 15037 starting at 9:30 am. Please join us for a great breakfast and great company.

Tuesday, February 11th will be our next Club board meeting at 7pm at the Blaine Hill VFD Main Hall, 409 Oxford Ave, Elizabeth 15037. Jim Bricker N3JHB will issue an email to the board members concerning the agenda.

Thursday, February 13th will be our operations night beginning at 7pm at the Lincoln Borough VFD 184 Social Hall, 4312 Liberty Way, Elizabeth 15037. We will be using the vertical antenna that we have used at previous ops nights. The multiplexer will allow us to operate up to 4 radios simultaneously on 40, 20, 15, and 10m. We use the Club call W3OC which allows Technician and General Class operators to operate on all bands (Extra Class operators will be there to assist). Please come out and have a great operating session.

Tuesday, February 18th will be our next Club meeting at 7pm at the Blaine Hill VFD Main Hall, 409 Oxford Ave, Elizabeth, PA 15037. Discussions will include 2025 Hamfest preparations, Winter Field Day results, and other short topics.

Strip Tickets: The club is selling 200 strip tickets at $5 each. The prize is $600. The winning ticket number will be the March 17th 7pm PA lottery 3 digit number with no wild card. There are still a number of tickets for sale. Please contact myself or Jim Bricker if you want tickets. We will get them to you. I can be reached at 412-260-5699 and Jim at 724-518-5251. It is important to sell these tickets as this is a big fundraiser for the Club. All the fundraising help is greatly appreciated.

Upcoming Hamfests:
WASHFest 2025
Start Date: 02/23/2025
End Date: 02/23/2025
Location: South Park Home Economics Building
3735 Buffalo Drive
South Park, PA 15129
Website: http://n3sh/org
Sponsor: N3SH Ham Radio Club
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Talk-In: 146.955(-) and 443.650(+) 131.8 PL
Public Contact: Ron Telek , W3LE
3065 Aljean Drive Bethel Park, PA 15102
Phone: 412-831-4886
Email: w3le@comcast.net

Take care all,
Bill Powers, KB3WP
Secretary TRARC

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