TRARC Activities for October 2023
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TRARC Activities for October 2023

Members, Fall is upon us, the leaves are starting to turn, and the Great Pumpkin may soon rise out of your sincere pumpkin patch (Charlie Brown reference). As we await the arrival of the Great Pumpkin, Two Rivers ARC has the following activities planned for October. Dues: Dues ($24) are due by the end of…

Public Notice – Federal Communication Commission

Public Notice – Federal Communication Commission

FEMA will initiate the test of WEA at 2:18 pm EDT on October 4, 2023, using the National Alert classification of Alert Message. The test will be sent to the entire United States and its territories. Members of the public with mobile device service from a CMS provider that participates in WEA in their areas will receive the test message, which will read “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”