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TRARC Activities for July 2024
Hope everyone has enjoyed all the fun in June including Field Day. As we progress forward into July and dream about cooler weather, the Club has the following activities planned for July.

Announcement: ARRL Field Day Prep And Practice
June 13 is the next gathering. Everyone is welcome you do not have to be a Two River ARC member. This Operations Night Two Rivers ARC will be hosting a class in the Prep and Operation of ARRL Field Day.

TRARC Hamfest April 16, 2023
This year’s event is now history. It was held on Sunday April 16, 2023 at the Elizabeth Volunteer Fire Department Bingo Hall, 101 South 1st Avenue, Elizabeth PA 15037.

TRARC W3OC General Meeting and Elections September 19, 2023
Election was held to vote in new club officers and committee chairs. The results are as follows for 2023-2024.

TRARC W3OC Operations Night December 14, 2023
Operations Night this evening we has a Class on how Antenna Tuners work and don’t work by Jim Bricker N3JHB. Then on to operating radios. Post Views: 179

Two Rivers ARC W3OC Website Went Down
First, let me say that I completely understand how frustrating it is when our website goes offline, especially since we rely on it to share information about our beloved hobby.