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TRARC Activities for December 2023

The Holidays are upon us and I hope everyone has recovered from overeating on Thanksgiving. As we await Santa Claus, the Club has the following activities planned for December.

Dues: Dues ($24) were due. If you haven’t paid yet, please do so soon.

Saturday, December 9th will be the Club’s Hams and Eggs Breakfast. It will be held at the Butlers Golf Course, Rock Run Inn, 1800 Rock Run Rd, Elizabeth, PA 15037. Breakfast will start at 9am.

Tuesday, December 12th will be our next VE session at the McKeesport High School at 6:30 pm. Please contact Mike Kowalcheck, KV3L for more information.

Thursday, December 14th will be our operating night beginning at 7pm at the Lincoln Borough VFD Station 184, 4312 Liberty Way, Elizabeth 15037. We will be using the vertical antenna that we have used at previous ops nights. The multiplexer will allow us to operate up to 4 radios simultaneously on 40, 20, 15, and 10m. We use the Club call W3OC which allows Technician Class operators to operate on all bands (Extra Class operators will be there to assist). Please come out and have a great operating session.

Saturday, December 16th starting at 2pm will be Club’s annual Holiday Dinner at the Butlers Golf Course, Rock Run Inn, 1800 Rock Run Rd, Elizabeth, PA 15037. If you haven’t reserved a place yet please do so this week as I need to turn in the final head count.

Sunday, December 24th starting very late in the night, Santa Claus arrives. Please make sure you hang your stockings with care and the cookies are top quality.

There is no member’s meeting this month. If a BOD meeting is required, Jim Bricker N3JHB will issue an email with an agenda.

Upcoming Hamfests: None

Take care all,
Bill Powers, KB3WP
Secretary TRARC

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