Two Rivers ARC added 40 Meter GabNet
Two Rivers Amateur Radio Club added 40 Meter GabNet on or near 7.215 Friday night starting at 6:00pm
Two Rivers Amateur Radio Club added 40 Meter GabNet on or near 7.215 Friday night starting at 6:00pm
Two Rivers ARC W3OC Operation Night. Erected two vertical antennas. The Hustler 4BTV Quad Band and the Eagle One Repaired and Modified antennas. We connected the QuadPlexer to the Hustler, and single radio to the Eagle One. Post Views: 318
You are cordially invited to attend the 49th Annual Two Rivers ARC Hamfest. It is scheduled for Sunday April 18, 2021, from 8am to 2pm, at the McKeesport Palisades And Events Center, 100 Fifth Avenue, McKeesport PA. Please note that the hamfest will be following the Covid19 guidelines in effect. That will include the wearing…
A gathering of Tech, General and Extra Class amateur radio operators come together for an evening of Learning and Teaching. Post Views: 329
Members gather to test equipment and a demonstration tuning a 9:1 Balun.
Members, Fall is upon us, the leaves are starting to turn, and the Great Pumpkin may soon rise out of your sincere pumpkin patch (Charlie Brown reference). As we await the arrival of the Great Pumpkin, Two Rivers ARC has the following activities planned for October. Dues: Dues ($24) are due by the end of…
Members, HAPPY NEW YEAR! As we progress forward into January and recover from our New Year’s Eve escapades, the Club has the following activities planned for January. Thursday, January 9th will be our Operations Night beginning at 7pm at the Lincoln Borough VFD 184 Social Hall, 4312 Liberty Way, Elizabeth 15037. We will be using…